Special Newsletter Update

 In News, Newsletter

“Online teaching sounds ideal, but we have no way of having access”
Please follow the link below to read first hand how the children of Kibera are coping with COVID-19.

Included is a special tribute to Benson. A WkW beneficiary who passed away last week. Benson was an extraordinary man who showed great strength and courage everyday of his life.

CLICK HERE to read the Special Edition of the Newsletter

The team at Wanakake kwe Wanawake are still working very hard. They are assisting families that needed a little more to get them though the month and are also beginning to source food and supplies which have become difficult to purchase as once again they are planning to feed over 250 families from Kibera slums in the month of May.

Thank you so much for your continuous generosity and support.

Donate here for the Disaster Relief Fund.

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