Please help by making a donation

We can all contribute to WFWIA in different ways.
The families of Kibera are not looking for a hand out, rather a hand up. The focus is on capacity building which offers real and sustainable community impact. Every donation is appreciated. Every donation makes a difference to improve the life of another person. If you would like to make a donation please click below and know that 100% of your money will go directly to the WkW Centre, where it will be managed in accordance with your request or the general operating fund.
With your help, Women For Women In Africa can provide at least some of them that chance.
Please Donate by selecting one of the option below:
You can make a difference today with a small donation, please donate by selecting this one-off donation option.
Make an ongoing difference by registering Recurring/Frequent Donation Plans. You can set your donation frequency and donation amount during the registration process.
If I give a dollar, where does it go?
Every donation goes directly towards helping the people of Kibera. The lion’s share of our money is spent providing education to the children. The rest is channelled into the equipping the Wanawake kwa Wanawake Community Centre, adult skills education and providing the women and adults with the means to create their products to sell.
NB: All transactions made are in Australian dollars (AUD).
There are no refunds given.
What are the costs incurred in Fundraising?
WFWIA tries very hard to minimise the costs of fundraising and administration. This is helped by using no salaried staff.
The money for children’s education pays for:
- School fees.
- Food – It’s a pre-requisite that to be able to attend secondary education in Kenya that the child’s family (or support network) must pay for lunch.
- Uniforms – Without a uniform a child is not allowed to attend school.
- Health requirements.
- Books.
- Transport to and from school (necessary if children attend schools that are further afield).
Other needs that your donation goes towards include:
- Cleaning materials.
- Chalk.
- Pens.
- Paper.
- Sanitary pads.
- Medical expenses.
- Dental expenses.
- Glasses and eye tests.
What support are we seeking?
We seek support in all manner of ways. Monetary donations mean that we can continue to offer these opportunities to the people of Kibera. The more we receive, the more people we can provide with that vital lifeline that might just mean that one day they can say goodbye to the slums of Kibera, and look forward to the future with hope.
We also hold fundraising functions, both small and large, and rely on as much support as possible at these.
However you support us, no matter how small or large your donation might be, on behalf of the people of Kibera, we’d like to say thank you.
What might seem a tiny amount to you honestly can be what turns hopelessness into hope. Together, we can make a difference.
How can I get involved?
- Attend fundraisers;
- Register on our database and receive regular updates and communications;
- Sponsor a child through their primary and secondary school education with our Endowment Sponsorship Fund. $1,550 is all it costs you to support a child each year.
- Not only do you get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re directly responsible for changing a life beyond all recognition, but you will also be able to communicate directly with the child you have sponsored – via letter and possibly email.
- Sponsor a student by helping them in their post-secondary studies, either in skills courses, diploma courses or degree courses.
- Make a donation. Large and small, all are gratefully received. Donate with the security that 100% of what you give goes towards our cause.
- Tell all your friends or hold a party for Women For Women In Africa. We’ll send one of our Directors along to make a presentation and answer questions.
Or, if you have another thought then let us know your ideas. We really do appreciate everyone’s efforts.
Women For Women In Africa keeps a comprehensive database of everyone who supports and follows our efforts. Each and every person is kept regularly updated by emails and newsletters about both Kibera and the work of Women For Women In Africa. Subscribers may opt out of receiving information.