Where your money goes?



Every year, over 250 children from Kibera receive an education that they could never have without sponsorship. These students range from pre-school to post-graduate degrees.

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Women’s Group

At the Wanawake kwa Wanawake Centre, women from Kibera receive training in new skills such as sewing and clothes making, bracelet making and bag making. The women learn about small business skills to better allow them to provide for their families.

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WkW Community Centre

The Wanawake kwa Wanawake Community Centre is purpose built on the outskirts of the Kibera slum. It is a place of learning, relaxing, counselling and fun for children and adults. Our Chappell Informal School takes children who have finished primary school for a year of further education until a sponsor is found to commence secondary school.

Our facts by numbers

Primary Students in 2021
Secondary Students in 2021
Post-secondary Students in 2021

You can make a difference today with a small donation, please help.

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