Our Students’ Stories
The students from the Frank Chappell Informal School have amazing stories about their life so far. Some are sad and depressing, others full of hope and thanks.
Life is hard in Kibera. We know that. It is so completely different to what we in the Western world can comprehend.
The students live with their problems every single day, whether it is finding food and water or trying to keep safe.
Please read these amazing children’s stories. Some are terribly sad and depressing while some are full of gratitude but there is always an underlying feeling of HOPE.
TO VIEW THEIR STORIES, CLICK HERE: Students and their stories
Thank you.

Informal School students with their teacher Daniel
Please Donate
DONATE to help our families in Kibera, please use any of these methods.
- Direct Debit to: Westpac Bank- BSB 033 059, A/N 660872 (please make a notation with your name and cause for donation);
- Cheque to: WFWIA, PO Box 2184, Wattletree Rd PO, VIC 3145;
- Credit Card: Donate by Credit Card
Thanking you sincerely,
Marguerite Ryan AM