Online Learning & WKW Special Bulletin

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“We are having some kids coming in at the centre and having their online classes. It was so emotional watching Geoffrey attend his first online calls. He was received with much excitement by the other kids. He was so excited and confused. He had never seen this before. So now Abel is having to help Kevina is organizing all these classes and the various rooms to be used by the different students. It is quite some work. We are very lucky to have some computers. They have come to the rescue of our students. It is also great that we had paid for expanding our internet. Now our children are enjoying Zoom classes with social distancing.”

“The kids are so excited about this new mode of learning and we all feel so emotional seeing them so happy. The unfortunate thing is that we are not able to accommodate all our kids because of the limited number of computers. The other thing also is that each time there is a lesson an adult has to sit in class with the children. This is also a bit limiting for us but we are so happy that we are able to do what we are able to now.”


On behalf of all of us, thank you so much for your continued support this year. Even during these uncertain times, your generosity has been simply amazing. Your contributions have enabled our wonderful team at the WkW centre to provide the hands on relief and assistance such as food and water, health-care, security, emergency intervention and education, so desperately
needed by vulnerable families in Kibera.

The team at WKW are relieved to know they have funds to feed and offer support to families for some months ahead. 

Like the rest of the world, COVID restrictions have severely effected the education process and children’s ability to remain connected and learning. To support Kiberan children cut off from school, we are now looking to provide the WkW centre as many basic computers as possible so they may continue accessing education online. 
For the last time this financial year we are calling for your deductible support to help us fund this important project which will empower and connect the children of Kibera now and into the future. 

“I know what it means to sleep hungry, I know what it means to be alone and lonely, I know what it means to be rescued and helped by a FRIEND; WKW Kenya. I know how it feels to be placed into a boarding school, safe and away from hunger and loneliness. I know how it feels to receive a letter from my lovely sponsors and telling me that they care and that they love me. I know that feeling and I cherish it every day, in my heart. ” Shelia 

Please take the time to read the newsletter attached for more of Sheilas story.
Click here to read “Celebrating the Child” newsletter

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