Annual General Meeting 2022
NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WOMEN FOR WOMEN IN AFRICA FOUNDATION LTD FOR 2020-2021 FINANCIAL YEAR ACN: 119 334 066 The Annual General Meeting of WFWIA is to be held at 7 pm on Tuesday 30th November 2021 Due to Covid restrictions the meeting will be held via Zoom. To join the Zoom Meeting, please use the below link and codes. Meeting ID: 851 4195 9871 Passcode: 857496 If you are unable to attend via Zoom please send any questions you may have to the Company Secretary. The following business will transact according to the Constitution of WFWIA: AGENDA: Chairperson’s welcome: Apologies: Minutes of last AGM: (held 19th November 2020) Business arising from last AGM: Reports on the year’s activities: Chairperson’s report Finance report Election of Directors: The current retiring Directors Sandy Kirkhope, Marguerite Ryan and Peter Toms offer themselves for re-election to the position of Director. A special resolution is required to re-elect Marguerite Ryan because she has been a Director for a period of over 9 consecutive years. The special resolution reads: “That the members of Women for Women in Africa Foundation Ltd agree to re-appoint Marguerite Ryan as a Director despite serving for a continuous period of over 9 years, according to Clause 41.6 of the WFWIA Constitution, because of her exemplary leadership, skills and devotion to Women for Women in Africa Foundation Ltd” A special resolution is required to re-elect Peter Toms because he has been a Director for a period of over 9 consecutive years. The special resolution reads: “That the members of Women for Women in Africa Foundation Ltd agree to re-appoint Peter Toms as a Director despite serving for a continuous period of over 9 years, according to Clause 41.6 of the WFWIA Constitution, because of his exemplary leadership, skills and devotion to Women for Women in Africa Foundation Ltd” General business: Appointment of Auditor Other business NB: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Nominations are open for election of Directors and close Tuesday 23rd November 2021. Nomination Forms are available from the Company Secretary (details below). NB: Please inform the Company Secretary of your wish to attend or to send your apology. Only WFWIA Members are allowed to nominate persons for or to become a Director. Any supporter of WFWIA is entitled to attend the meeting but only WFWIA Members may vote. A Member may request a Proxy Form from the Company Secretary to vote on any business if they are unable to attend. Membership application forms are available from the Company Secretary Glenn Smith Glenn Smith Company Secretary WFWIA Ph: 0422 480 642 Email: Dated: 7th November 2021 |
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