Thank you for the difference you have made

 In News

It is wonderful to see the donations for the Christmas Dinner arriving at the centre.

“As you can see from the pics, I would like to sincerely thank you for your generosity towards the women of Kibera. You fed us and you have made them happy. Thank you and may God bless you. The food was bought and generously distributed in the women’s room. The food was a blessing and I would like to send you blessings and smiles that you put on their faces.
We also wish you a Merry Christmas with your loved ones, and happy new year filled with many good returns.
Kind regards
Sr. Kevina”

We thank you all for your generosity.
May you all have a very Happy Christmas and a safe and wonderful New Year.

A lovely thank you from the Wanawake kwa Wanawake Centre in Kibera

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